Are you feeling tired or just feeling a little on edge? You will be right to treat yourself to a little massage session in a specialised institute. In the hands of a professional practitioner, you will not only relax, but you will also be able to evacuate your overflow of stress and negative energies. But which massage should you choose? Discover below the techniques that are generally offered in institutes, and among which you will be able to choose.

The naturist massage

Unless you are already a fine connoisseur of this way of life that is naturism, you certainly do not imagine yourself pushing one day the doors of a naturist massage parlour. However, this form of massage is very popular today as its benefits are multiple. Even if this technique requires both the practitioner and the person being massaged to be completely naked to appreciate all its virtues, it is in no way a tantric or erotic massage.

Swedish massage

If naturist massage simply doesn't tempt you, you can also choose another very effective anti-stress technique: Swedish massage. In addition to giving you a real psychological well-being, this form of massage will also help to strengthen your muscles. A few minutes session with your masseur will help you quickly release all your tensions. Swedish massage is also a detoxifying massage. You will get rid of toxins and all the impurities present in your body during the session.

Californian massage

To regain your good mood and recharge your energy, nothing beats a good Californian massage, also known as a sensitive massage. This institute massage is without a doubt the relaxation technique par excellence. It is through soft, fluid and very slow movements that the practitioner will allow you to reach a state of optimal relaxation. He will in turn knead and touch your body in order to fight stress and fatigue effectively. To further enhance the feeling of well-being and lightness provided by the Californian massage, the practitioner can use scented candles, essential oils or the benefits of hot stones. It all depends on your needs of the moment.